What is Path of Disciples?

POD is a fun and practical way to learn with others what it means to have Jesus as a firm foundation for life, to walk with God and to serve Him.

We frequently start groups for three or four people to do POD together. The groups are flexible and can meet at any time and any place that suits the participants, as well as online. They usually involve sharing food.

An invitation to POD (one minute video)

Here's a taste of what it is like to lead POD (three-minute video):

Who is Path of Disciples for?

POD is for anyone and everyone, but especially for:
  • Those who are unsure about Jesus but are open to learn more about Him.
  • Those who want a firm foundation for their faith.
  • Those who want to learn to walk with God and serve Him better.
  • Those who want to help others to know and follow Jesus.

What Happens?

Path of Disciples has three parts, each with four sessions which build on what has gone before:


Explains the good news of Jesus to know Him and have a firm foundation for life.


Teaches how to walk with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as well as with each other in the church.


Teaches how to serve God the Father, with the love of Jesus, and in reliance on the Holy Spirit.

Each session follows a similar format of discussing questions and looking at what the Bible tells us. How you answer and discuss the questions is of course up to you as a group.

How can I get involved?

If you would like to do POD, we would love to help you. Please get in contact and we’ll find a time and place that suits you. We’ll provide you with a course booklet. There is no charge.

Just sign up or email POD@pathofdisciples.org.

If you want to lead Path of Disciples see POD Resources and Training.